Upsizing supply duct for more airflow to bedroom
Inspecting ducting underneath the house which was damaged in recent flooding in Woodbridge, CA
Inspecting system and ductwork in Lodi, CA for damage after recent flooding. Quoting new dryer vent and new jumper duct
Replacing flooded ductwork to restore system performance and efficiency in Lodi, CA
Inspecting ductwork and other damage as a result of recent flooding in Lodi, CA
Inspecting system and ductwork for damage due to flooding in Acampo, CA
Performed full inspection of furnace due to expressed noise concern. Determined inducer motor to be faulty. Lockeford, CA
Finishing up duct work upstairs. Increasing 3 ducts downstairs. Finishing outing together urnsce upstairs
Continuing upstairs duct work. Increasing duct sizes for downstairs unit. Cutting in registers