AC wasn't cooling checked outside and saw the capacitor wasn't working so he replaced it. Thankfully it was a simple fix.
Craig Honderick was very accommodating, punctual and knowledgeable. thank you so much for your help.
Very professional and highly skilled technicians. They took care of us in a timely manner.
Houston was very professional and friendly. Was able to deduce the problem very quickly!
Replaced 50/5mfd dual run capacitor. System is cooling properly.
Cleaned condenser coil and system and hvac system is cooling properly.
Repaired low voltage wiring where dogs tore it out of unit. Cooling properly.
Replaced 35mfd capacitor in 2006 trane xl19i. System is cooling properly.
Replaced 35mfd capacitor in 2006 trane xl19i. System is cooling properly.
Replaced contactor in master bedroom unit and cooling properly.
Issue is system intermittently cuts off and won’t run. But if he goes upstairs and takes off door and puts it back on, the system runs again. The wiring harness on furnace control board is bad. Replaced furnace control board. Cooling properly.
Clearing a drain line on Arcoaire 19 seer 2 stage ac system
System has a low superheat. Is also slightly overcharged. I pulled a little freon out of it and went through the system and all variables. The only thing that could be causing this issue is that the furnace isn’t blowing enough air across the coil, I think the furnace isn’t big enough even though that on paper it is the correct size. 100k btu furnace pushing across a MASSIVE 5 ton slab coil, everything is great with the system except the superheat. Adjusted pressures to bring up superheat.