14382 S Heritage Vw Cv
Bluffdale, UT 84065
(801) 516-3802

Local Reviews
for bluffdale, ut

Job Locations
for bluffdale, ut

Jamie B.

Jamie B. Job Checkin

Fixing a r-22 ac

Jamie B.

Jamie B. Job Checkin

Carrier ac condenser not shutting off even when thermostat is not calling for cooling

Rob F.

Rob F. Job Checkin

garage heater

Rob F.

Rob F. Job Checkin

garage heater

Jamie B.

Jamie B. Job Checkin

Replacing motor on a comfortmaker fan/coil unit.

Replacing motor on a comfortmaker fan/coil unit.

Jamie B.

Jamie B. Job Checkin

Replaced an inducer motor on a day n night g9mae furnace. Also cleaned the flame sensor and fixed the drain because it was leaking and causing rust.

Replaced an inducer motor on a day n night g9mae furnace. Also cleaned the flame sensor and fixed the drain because it was leaking and causing rust.

Jamie B.

Jamie B. Job Checkin

Replaced a thermostat.