24JUN2024 Jason Brown Arrived for red club summer tune up service. Spoke with homeowner about the systems performance. It’s all working fine. Inspected Airhandler and heat pump. Verified the evap coil is clean, UV is active, and blower motor is operating well. Inspected heat pump. Cleaned out electrical cabinets, tested reversing valve, contactor and capacitor. Washed condenser coils then verified pressures. Pressures came back with 5 degree subcooling. The system calls for 10 degrees. Homeowner asked about Alexa friendly zone control. Inspected zone system, found that in order to setup 3 zones on Alexa our best bet is to replace the zone board and install 3 eco bees at each zone. We decided not to mess with that today. Debriefed with homeowner about systems performance. Work declined: adjust charge.