1004 Saunders Ln
West Chester, PA 19380

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Martin W.

Martin W.

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Today I completed your initial premium plus pest control service. A liquid reseal treatment was applied around the exterior perimeter of home for seasonal insects. Also a Weber pole duster was used to knock down spider webs and a paper wasp nest on the exterior. 4 termite monitors were installed on the exterior corners of home to monitor any termite activity. These applications are to aid in the prevention of insect entry and control. Per your concern and the evidence of mice, 7 mouse baited stations were placed throughout home. 1 behind couch in living room, 1 under kitchen sink, 1 in drop ceiling in basement, I behind fridge in basement, 1 beside basement tv, 1on sill above freezer, and 1 behind it. 2 large stations were placed on the exterior. These stations will help control and monitor any small rodent activity. Please allow 2 weeks to see a decrease in activity. And contact our office if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for choosing Green Pest Solutions and have a gr