Good afternoon! Happy Halloween! Today I completed your Pest initial inspection. I started inside checking out areas of interest. I started in the kitchen and move my way to the basement. I placed two roach bait areas, one next to your stove and the other one in the corner of your kitchen. I then sprayed non-repellent solution for roaches, spiders, and ants. I only sprayed your kitchen and basement. I then moved to do an exterior inspection. I checked wooded areas for a termite activity. There is none at this time. I placed for termite monitors on the corners of your home to monitor termite activity. We will check these every time we come out I took down any cobwebs I saw on the exterior of your home. My one recommendation for you guys would be to trim back hedges away from the home about 12 inches. Bushes are like bug highways. I then sprayed a non-repellent solution to the exterior of your home targeting general pests, such as spiders, stink bugs, and box elder bugs. Please allow 7