2103 Penta Dr.
High Ridge, MO 63049

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for ferguson, mo

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for ferguson, mo

Tom E.

Tom E. Job Checkin

Wall Crack Repair: A homeowner noticed cracks in their foundation walls and sought a long-term solution. I utilized polyurethane foam injection to seal the cracks and reinforced the walls to prevent future damage. This advanced technique ensured a strong, resilient foundation and enhanced the home’s overall stability.

Greg E.

Greg E. Job Checkin

Precise Foundation Settlement Repair: When a homeowner noticed uneven floors and wall cracks, they suspected foundation settlement. Our technicians confirmed significant settling causing structural damage. To address this, we used hydraulic piering systems to lift and level the foundation, ensuring stability and preventing further settlement. Our precise repair provided long-term peace of mind for the homeowner as autumntime approached.

Greg E.

Greg E. Job Checkin

We fixed a leak and crack off of a window in the basement of this property. Now it has a lifetime of the structure waterproofing warranty!

We fixed a leak and crack off of a window in the basement of this property. Now it has a lifetime of the structure waterproofing warranty!

Ryan G.

Ryan G. Job Checkin

Crack repair

Garrett G.

Garrett G. Job Checkin

8ft horizontal crack repair

Ryan G.

Ryan G. Job Checkin

Crack repair

Tom E.

Tom E. Job Checkin

Owner found water on the basement floor. Not sure if it’s coming from cracks or the floor.

Greg E.

Greg E. Job Checkin

We are replacing a sump pump with warranty at this property.

Ryan G.

Ryan G. Job Checkin

1st day drain system

Shae W.

Shae W. Job Checkin

Installing a sub floor drain system

Tom E.

Tom E. Job Checkin

Owner has water entering the basement

Greg E.

Greg E. Job Checkin

This entire basement is leaking from the floor.

Tom E.

Tom E. Job Checkin

Possible hydrostatic pressure.