Arrived at location on 7/15/22 - Let unit produce the batch of ice it was in middle of making. I then turned the unit off and removed all removable parts from water side of unit. Cleaned and sanitized parts. I then cleaned and sanitized the inside of the unit. I put the parts back into the unit and let the unit run its 30 minute clean cycle. After the clean cycle I turned the unit back on and let it produce a batch of ice and discarded the batch. I notice that the unit has a water filtration unit but it fell off of the wall because it mounts with 3m tape. There is no other way to mount the system and I wouldn’t trust taping it back up. We will need to quote for a new water filtration system that we can mount with bolts or screws to either the machine or the wall. Unit is now running properly except the filtration system is hanging off of the unit.