5100 Pacific Hwy Ferndale, WA 98248
Pacific, WA 98248

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Local Reviews
for lynden, wa

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 72 customer reviews

Map of Lynden WA

Great service!

I have a Silver Shield policy and Dan did my service. He was very thorough, found a few things that needed replacing and had them on the truck which was convenient. No waiting for parts! He serviced the heating unit, the tankless water heater and the heat pump. He made sure everything was working with the thermostat. He wore a mask and so did I. Before agreeing to the replacement parts, I received a thorough explanation which was helpful. I also received the same explanation by email. I felt that Dan did an outstanding job.

Response from Barron Heating and Air Conditioning:

We're thrilled to hear that Daniel provided you with such thorough, courteous, and knowledgeable service for your furnace maintenance, heat pump maintenance and tankless water heater maintenance, Elaine! Thank you for your great review and thank you for choosing Barron!