5100 Pacific Hwy Ferndale, WA 98248
Pacific, WA 98248

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for nooksack, wa

Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars based on 11 customer reviews

Map of Nooksack WA

It worked before he came out, then it didn't

Service tech stated that parts on the furnace and heat pump should both be replaced. Parts were paid for and replaced, but.....not correctly. There was an arc in the heat pump which destroyed the part and the control board. Another crew had to come out the following day to repair the non-functioning air conditioning. Also, when checking the thermostat as part of the servicing, the tech changed the settings so that that at some point during the night the set point changed to 82!

Response from Barron Heating and Air Conditioning:

Thank you for your feedback, Linda. We are disappointed to hear of this unfortunate incident. After speaking with your husband and sending our Service Team out the next day to repair the system, we appreciate you giving us the opportunity to make this right and that you are now in great working order. We truly appreciate your loyal business of many years!