5100 Pacific Hwy Ferndale, WA 98248
Pacific, WA 98248

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Local Reviews
for snohomish, wa

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 8 customer reviews

Map of Snohomish WA

Great service hope he is well compensated!

Did great work. Showed him the layout of the house and the system, then left him on his own. Work was done efficiently and without disruption to my work-from-home status that day. Always pleased with Barron's efficiancy and timeliness. Frankly, I feel like I may pay a little more with Barron's; but I also feel like the quality of service makes it worth worth the price.

Response from Barron Heating and Air Conditioning:

Thank you for your great feedback, Ben! We hold ourselves to the highest industry standards and it's always our goal to provide service that is above and beyond. We're happy to hear that James provided you with efficient, timely, and professional maintenance service and appreciate your business!