5040 Commercial Circle, Unit C
Concord, CA 94520
(925) 438-8367

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Job Locations
for alamo, ca

Map of Alamo CA
Galen  S.

Galen S.

Job Checkin

I am in Alamo, California at a custom home built in the 1980’s. The home has the original central furnace and air conditioning system installed and the new homeowner is looking to replace it with a more efficient system and add mini split units to help the upstairs rooms. After inspecting the system and ductwork, we can redesign the ducting and upgrade the central system without having to install split units.

I am in Alamo, California at a custom home built in the 1980’s. The home has the original central furnace and air conditioning system installed and the new homeowner is looking to replace it with a more efficient system and add mini split units to help the upstairs rooms. After inspecting the system and ductwork, we can redesign the ducting and upgrade the central system without having to install split units.