Electric tank water heater less than two years old and installed by others not producing hot water just producing warm temp water Replace Upper and Lower Heathing Elements to Electric water heater Turned power off to water heater Double checked power was off at the tank with volt-meter Turned water off to tank Connected water transfer pump to drain on bottom of tank Disconnected water supply to hot side of tank Purged tank off all water Opened front panels of tank Disconnected wires that go to the elements Unthreaded upper and lower elements Opened new Universal replacement elements Cleaned threads of calcium Tightened new elements on to tank Turned water back on Flushed tank as much as possible to remove calcium flakes Purged all air from tank Thrip checked for leaks NO WATER LEAKS Reconnected power sully wires to elements Turned power back on to tank Checked voltage 246V Replaced insulation and front access panel on tank