6424 NW 18th Drive, Gainesville 32653
Gainesville, FL 32653

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Local Reviews
for alachua, fl

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 4 customer reviews

Map of Alachua FL

Great service from Ryan and Crystal Air

A/C went out Wed evening 89F in the house. Called Crystal said they'd have someone out by noon on Thursday. Ryan showed up early and diagnosed a dead fan motor. After explaining different options, a new unit or new Fan motor which was listed at $1200.00 he had Lance the mgr call me with the news that he found a cheaper motor that would work with my 5 ton Crane and that it was worth fixing. Ryan showed up around 6pm and got the air going around 7:30 pm. At that point the house was 92F. Ryan was professional, knowledgeable, very friendly and just an all around great guy and I was very happy to meet him and very satisfied with the work he did.