Came out to call for a system not cooling properly. Customer stated that it was working up until yesterday evening and then the temperature started to rise in the home. I checked system over and initially found the outside unit operating, but the compressor wasn’t engaging. Opened the electrical panel and found a mouse nest covering the contactor and electrical wiring. Pulled disconnect and cleaned out the nest. I found the capacitor depleted and the contactor not making good contacting and buzzing really loud. Discussed with customer about repairs needed on AC system. Unit also needed to be washed. Customer approved repairs. I replaced the capacitor and the contactor inside the unit. Cleaned up wiring and washed the condenser coil out. Cycled unit on and checked amps, temperatures and pressures of AC. System was cooling properly after repairs and cleaning were made. Customer also stated that there is not enough airflow to one side of his house and too much on the other. Further inspec