2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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Romario  T.

Romario T. Job Checkin

Tech had to wait for the carpenter to finish cutting an access to the heat strip compartments. Found a failed thermal cut off link not allowing the system to operate the 2nd set of heat strips. Tech replaced the fuse and heat strips started operating properly. 2nd bard unit was tested, heat strips are operating properly with proper amp draw. Tech uploaded a picture of supply temperatures from the left and right bard units. Systems are back heating. Customer would like to get a CMA quote for 2 bard units.

Romario  T.

Romario T. Job Checkin

Gloriacoppage0@gmail.com Found the heat strip compartments for both bard units blocked off by the building, the bard unit on the right is only operating half of its heating capacity (heat strips). Tech would need access to the heat strips to continue the diagnostics. Customer will reach out to a carpenter to make an opening to the heat strip compartments.

Chris A.

Chris A. Job Checkin

Tech washed and serviced unit tech found cracked heat exchanger and evaporator coils in rough shape. Customer is aware of units condition as last tech cut off gas to heat exchanger. Customer has had field supervisor come out before, customer would like sales department to give him a call about replacing. Replaced a 20x20x1 filter. Unit is not heating at this time but has a cooling delta T of 18.

Aidan T.

Aidan T. Job Checkin

Tech performed ESA, tech found heat exchanger is cracked, tech cut off gas so that heat can not run. Tech also noted evaporator coil is in rough shape. Tech spoke with customer about issues and called in field supervisor. Call turned over to mike.

Derek J.

Derek J. Job Checkin

Upon arrival tech was informed that homeowner had to spin the wheel by hand to get blower to start working. Tech jumped g to r and blower did come on but was loud. After about 3 mins blower stopped spinning and started to seize up. Tech could spin it by hand and get it going again. Recommend replacing whole system due to age and homeowner stating heat exchanger had a crack in it but homeowner only wanted to do blower motor for now. Tech replaced with universal blower and bracket and set fan speed on medium and installed new 7.5mfd capacitor with motor. Tech informed homeowner that system is good in cooling but would not heat very well due to condition on heat exchanger. System is back operational at this time.