Ricardo did a great job and was very informative. He has a great personality.
Very very good service . Prompt and explained everything. Asked if we had any questions. Very respectful .
Landen and his trainee were helpful, knowledgeable and polite. We are pleased with his service and impressed. He represents your company well. Thanks.
Shane and Torrance were very friendly and knowledgeable.
Very professional. Explained everything in detail and answered all my questions.
Derek arrived right on time, he listened to all of my concerns and explained ALL of my question in detail. He was very courteous and attentive.
Technician was very knowledgeable about service and very courteous.
The technician Mr. Dawson did an extremely great job and very pleasant and knowledgeable. Thank you so much.
—Customer stated thermostat was not satisfying heat setting after today’s maintenance. —Arrived to find call for heat at Gas Pack. Inducer Draft Motor was running but no ignition at burners. Observed flash code fault 7: Rollout Switch Fault. Cycled system to observe ignition. —After cycling power to system and initiating heat call, gas heat ran momentarily, then presented the same fault. When jumping the rollout switch wires, unit operates properly. Tech cannot leave rollout switch bypassed, as this would create an unsafe condition. Tech did verify/adjust gas pressures as appropriate. —Office should order new Rollout Switch for unit, and schedule replacement as soon as possible, as customer is currently without heat. A new brass screw should also be installed on low stage gas pressure adjustment as tech did not find one on site. Tech installed a washer under the gas manifold support bracket to try and properly direct flames into heat exchanger. Gas pressures and direction o
GAS RTU #2 - Flushed pressure switch tube and inlet port, confirmed clean flame sensor and igniter. System is operating normally at this time. GAS RTU#3 - Found hard lockout fault code (exceeded failed ignition attempts) upon arrival and reset for testing. Noted no inlet natural gas pressure on gas valve and confirmed open shutoff valve and regulator. - Adjusted regulator and observed normal operation and proper gas pressures for approximately 5 minutes and shut off due to low gas pressure. - Regulator (5LB) is failing and needs to be replaced. Customer approved part order. Please call customer with part ETA. System #2 is operating normally at this time.
Tech arrived and found system satisfied, tech inspected pressures and found no challenges, delta t is good. Tech found no challenges at this time.
Tech found condenser coil frozen and heat strips not running. Thermostat was set for max aux temp of 35. Tech increased that temp and found heat strips running. Tech found defrost sensor closed but board was not initiating a defrost cycle. Defrost board will need to be replaced. Universal coil sensor will not reach all the way to the coil. Board will have to be ordered, customer approved repair.
Upon arrival tech was informed that system was heating but electric bill was high for last month. Homeowner also informed tech that they were not sure on how to operate the thermostat and that it was set to 78 on heat a few weeks ago. Tech confirmed that thermostat is not following a schedule. Checked programming and changed backup heat option to 1 stage and electric. Tech also noticed filter was a littler dirty and customer provided one to change. Temps are within a good range. Tech explained operation of thermostat and set to temperature set points homeowner wanted. System is operating normally.
Tech found dual fuel unit sitting idle with a 2 flash on ignition control for 1 hour lockout. Tech found propane tank empty. Tech cycled power and found heat pump is the first stage of heat, but outdoor fan did not turn on. Tech found black fan wire unplugged from defrost board. Tech plugged it back in. Heat pump is running with a 4 degree delta t. If thermostat calls for second stage heat again, system will lock out. Tech shut thermostat off. Tech recommends refilling propane tank before turning thermostat back on. Compressor has previously megged red and evaporator coil has been documented to be leaking. Customer called gas company who reported remotely monitoring tank at 50% full. Tech once again confirmed only 1.8" WC supply LP pressure to unit. Its possible that high or low stage propane regulator is not allowing enough pressure, but tech suspects empty tank due to the gauge reading 0%. Tech also found defrost board not sending 24 volts to reversing valve on pins 4 and 6 durin
Trane Condenser (XR14) 4TWR4030N1000A Trane, XR14 Heat Pump, 2.5 Ton, Heat Pump Quantity: 1 Trane Fan Coil TEM4A0B31M31SA Trane, M Series TEM4, 2.5 Ton, Air Handler Quantity: 1 Other Thermostats CUSTOM-9Z6AEG HONEYWELL FOCUS PRO 5000 (Carrier Split Systems) Quantity: 1 32x60 Drain Pan Quantity: 1 36X40 Pad Quantity: 1 Foam Blocks (6) Quantity: 1 ICM Surge Protector Quantity: 1
Customer was concerned about the thermostat was set incorrectly by our ESA tech. Thermostat was set to schedule mode and customer did not request that. Tech corrected the settings nd tested the system, delta T is writhing specs. No charge due to recent visits.
Tech found controller had unsinked with air handler causing air handler to get stuck on. Tech cut unit off at air handler and resynced controller. System now cuts on and off with demand of controller.
Tech performed service on trane package unit. Delta t is within specification and customer is satisfied with today’s service. Found no other challenges at todays visit.
Mitsubishi Outdoor Unit MUZWR12NAU2 Mitsubishi, M-Series Outdoor Wall Mounted Heat Pump, 1 Ton, Ductless Outdoor Quantity: 1 Other Ductless CUSTOM-83HYZ3 Mitsubishi MSZ-WR12NA-U1 - M-Series Indoor Wall Mounted Heat Pump, 12K BTU, 16 SEER, R410A Quantity: 1 Duckt-Strip Minisplit Wire DUCKT-14-04-CPK-25 Duckt-Strip - DUCKT-STRIP® Mini-Split A/C Cable (25' Roll) Quantity: 1 DiversiTech Ductless Brackets, Stands, and Pads EP-18X38X3-P DiversiTech®- EL1838-3 E-Lite® Plastic Equipment Pad 18" x 38" x 3" Quantity: 1 Streamline Ductless Linesets LS-1/4X1/2X1/2X50-WH Lineset - 1/4" x 1/2" x 1/2" x 50' - Ductless Quantity: 1 Change Breaker JS Quantity: 1 ICM Surge Protector Quantity: 1 Level Pad Quantity: 1
These estimates is to complete repair per inspection
Upon arrival tech found system frozen, tech inspected sensors and found both sensor’s reading good, tech found refrigerant pressures testing to spec, tech forced defrost and system defrosted with no challenges. Defrost board not recognizing sensors and will need to be replaced under full warranty no house call per office. Was unable to get ahold of homeowner
Tech found condenser motor locked up with a good capacitor. Condenser motor has failed. Tech also found blower compartment is dirty and water buildup inside. Tech strongly recommended ESA. Tech quoted replacing the condenser motor as well as ESA. Customer wants to hold off on the repair until April and will run emergency heat for now.
Customer wanted for hole to be cut in exterior wall and flu pipe to be ran out that way. Tech spoke with office and was instructed that they would need a contractor. Waved house call per office. Customer would like a few quotes for replacement systems.