2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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Matthew L.

Matthew L.

Job Checkin

Customer did not understand why indoor unit kept running even when outdoor breaker was off. Tech explained that air handler in attic is on a separate circuit from outdoor unit and will continue to run the blower even if outdoor unit is off. Tech found blower control board EZ select on factory default jumper settings. Tech peeled sticker on board to reveal jumper setting labels. Corrected jumper settings for 2 ton split heat pump with 2 stage compressor, 10kw single stage heater (jumped together at factory W2 jumper), comfort, enhanced, and nominal airflow settings. Turned system on and off in each mode after correcting blower control board. Found no further issues with system after correcting blower board jumpers. Connected new Vision Pro to Wi-Fi network and turned scheduling off per customer preference. Customer does not have his email and password to Honeywell account. To connect new Vision Pro to customer’s existing Honeywell account, customer’s daughter will need to find or rec