2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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Aidan T.

Aidan T. Job Checkin

Tech performed tune up on three systems. Upstairs- tech found no operational issues at this time, tech did recommend adding EZtrap and overflow switch to unit and insulating drain line. System is back on and operating properly at this time. Customer has thermostat he would like installed. Downstairs- tech found no operational issues at this time, tech recommended adding eztrap and overflow switch to system. Customer has thermostat he would like installed. System is back on and operating properly at this time Addition- tech found no operational issues at this time. Tech recommended adding eztrap to system, system already has overflow switch. System is back on and operating properly at this time. Tech spoke with customer about ESA and all benefits included. Tech built estimate for all recommendations and to install customer supplied thermostats. Informed customer that if he wanted to proceed we could be back tomorrow morning to complete estimated work. Customer is going to talk with