2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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for eureka, nc

Amber W.

Amber W. Job Checkin

Faulty high pressure switch, recommend replacement. Tech returned and recovered refrigerant. Tech removed old high pressure switch and began brazing in new high pressure switch, while tech was brazing torch got stuck and burnt new high pressure switch. Tech had to reinstall failed pressure switch to get system back heating at this time. Will need to order new high pressure switch and return to replace. Tech did go ahead and completed maintenance on system per customer request. Will need two 20x25x1 filters when we return to repair.

Josh W.

Josh W. Job Checkin

Upon arrival customer informed tech that over the holidays they had a family friend over to diagnose system, customer informed tech that high pressure switch had failed. Tech confirmed diagnosis of failed high pressure switch and built estimate for replacement, customer approved replacement and would like maintenance to be done during repair. High pressure switch is bypassed and unit is working properly at this time.

Spencer C.

Spencer C. Job Checkin

Tech found thermostat satisfied at 70. Tech verified proper system operation and found normal refrigerant pressures, amp draw and capacitor readings. Tech verified pressure switch connections are still good. Customer stated thermostat yesterday was fluctuating between 72 and 70 yesterday every 20 minutes. Tech inspected duct and saw no issues. Tech suspects thermostat is reading incorrect temperature and quoted replacing thermostat. Customer wants to hold off on repair.

Luis R.

Luis R. Job Checkin

Tech returned to replace 4mfd with a 5mfd capacitor system is operating properly at this time

Derek J.

Derek J. Job Checkin

Upon arrival tech was informed system was making a loud noise outside. Tech inspected system and found condenser fan motor had failed. Tech informed homeowner and got approval replace with universal motor off truck. Tech had to drill new mounting holes to make motor work. Installed 4mfd capacitor with motor due to not have a 5mfd capacitor. System is back on and operational at this time.

Aidan T.

Aidan T. Job Checkin

Tech arrived and found thermostat saying 76 set to 71. Tech found 24v volts was coming in and out at high pressure switch, tech found that wire connection had broke on in splice. Tech respliced connection and system is now on and operating properly at this time.

Aidan T.

Aidan T. Job Checkin

Tech arrived and found system satisfied, tech cut system on and checked all system operations, oils were clean and system came on and operated perfectly. Customer stated she cleaned filter earlier. Tech replaced filter and had good delta t. Unable to find any challenges at this time. Customer was talking about plumbing issues and informed that we now do plumbing and he will call us.

Joseph C.

Joseph C. Job Checkin

Tech performed ESA on 1 system found no challenges customer had questions about heat strips tech explained heat strip operation and defrost cycle.

Derek J.

Derek J. Job Checkin

Tech performed tune up on an oil furnace. Removed nozzle assembly, cleaned it, replaced nozzle and adjusted the electrodes. Oil filter was replaced and air bled from the oil lines. The air filters were also replaced. Furnace is back up and heating, no challenges found at this time.

Landon C.

Landon C. Job Checkin

Tech performed maintenance per service agreement. Tech found UV bulb blown. Homeowner stated he would replace bulb on next visit. Tech replaced one 16 x 25 x 1 filter. System is operating properly at this time.