Tech arrived and found thermostat calling for heat but system cooling. After inspection tech found shorted thermostat sending 24v to reversing valve at all times tech replaced thermostat and cycled system with no challenges. Tech recommended service agreement customer was not interested at this time.
Upon arrival tech was informed the outdoor unit was not running. Tech inspected system and found the condenser in a soft lockout with a 9 flash fault (ambient air sensor) and 5 flash fault (soft lockout). Tech disconnected ambient sensor and system started back up. Tech installed new ambient sensor and all fault codes disappeared. System is back operational. Customer paid house call fee today and stated they would call office on Friday to pay remaining balance.
Tech found 226 float switch was tripped tech cleaned line out and pored 1 gallon of water to ensure drain is operating properly. Drain is operating properly system started up no issues
Tech washed and serviced unit and found no challenges at this time tech recommended replacing Uv bulb customer wants to wait for now because she has to renew at this visit. Unit is up and running with a delta t of 22.