Romario was conscientious and professional. He explained what was causing the problem with our A/C, then quickly fixed it and cleaned up the work area. If we could request to have Romario for our twice-yearly maintenance service, we would do so.
Upon arrival tech found condenser coil covered entirely in thick ice. Tech found condenser running with a Y call but 0v between red and common. 0v at defrost board. Found plug at float switch bent causing 24v break at air handler to condenser. Replaced float switch and defrosted condenser. Tested operation. System is back up and heating as well as defrosting. Install warranty.
Tech performed esa on one system, tech did not find any challenges with system at todays visit. System is back on and operating properly at this time. Customer supplies their own filters. All is good at this time.
Disconnect water softener. Chris is go get a quote for Mr.Cecil on the ten moen cartridge and replace them
Tech performed ESA on two systems. Tech did not find any issues with systems at today’s visit. Both systems are back on and operating properly at this time. No recommendations at this time both systems are still very new and in excellent condition. Customer as a few plumbing needs he wants addressed, booked plumbing call with office.
Found the overflow switch triggered, the primary P-Trap was missing the cap. Tech tested the drain with water to assure draining and removed the water form the secondary float switch. System is back cooling. Service warranty.
Performed ESA, discussed plasma air. Not time to renew ESA.
Performed routine maintenance on 2 systems per energy savings agreement. Upstairs - technician did not find any issues with system today. Unit is heating properly and holding a delta t of 20 plus degrees. Downstairs - tech found no challenges with this system today. The system is heating properly and holding a delta t of 20+ degrees. Customer renewed ESA via card. Found the thermostat calling for heat but no operation. Tech went into test mode and heat pump operated and gas heat as well. Tech checked the set up for proper dual fuel set up. Indoor coil is extremely clogged with dog hair. Tech strongly recommended ESA (maintenance). Customer declined ESA for now and uv bulb replacement. System is liable to not be efficient and operate properly due to having restrictive airflow, causing abnormal pressures and potential temperature limit switches to be triggered. Tech left the system operating in heat mode.