1902 Vandalia St. Ste. 100
Collinsville, IL 62234

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for fairview heights, il

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 278 customer reviews

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Easy Fix

I recently purchased a sump pump through Tiger Plumbing, unfortunately I had an issue with it. I called Tiger and after a brief hiccup, I had the pleasure of meeting Sam Connell on a Sunday morning. This young man took the call to assist me on his day off. He not only apologized for the delay in getting my issue resolved, but he took the time to explain how the system works. After a period of testing everything out, he fixed the problem and made sure to let me know to enjoy my day when he left. Sam made my day, he was a wonderful young man who knows his job and likes what he does. Thank you Tiger Plumbing for your continued excellence in Customer Service.