1902 Vandalia St. Ste. 100
Collinsville, IL 62234

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Local Reviews
for o fallon, il

Rated 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 14 customer reviews

Map of O Fallon IL

Great Customer Focus

Rick did a great job for us today. He exceeded my expectations as he was both efficient and very helpful. He brought a couple of issues to light that need our attention. Thanks so much for your attention to detail and service. I did forget to ask you about the door to the HVAC closet. As we rehab this old house, I want to replace that closet door. The old one was vented, but I believe the sales rep that sold us the new unit told us we wouldn't need the new door to be vented. Would you please confirm for us. Again Rick, our sincere thanks. Best regards, Chris Ofallon, IL