Straightway Ave
Nashville, TN 37206

Local Reviews
for homestead, fl

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 4 customer reviews


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Excellence at high speed

The team at RCS is always super fast to respond to any questions. Are whole team truly appreciates you!

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  • Overall Value

Outstanding Service & Design

Simplicity will set you free! Thank you Michael, Jillian and Marci for the beautiful new Picnic menu, it's simple easy to read and beautifully designed. I can't wait to see the reaction from our customer's when they get this menu, a marketing and design masterpiece.

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  • Ease of Use
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  • Overall Value

Easy and Awesom!

Your software ROCKS, Its easy to use and powerful. The marketing module makes building your prospect pipeline simple. Running my catering business has never been so much fun. Thank you!

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Job Locations
for homestead, fl

Katie D.

Katie D. Job Checkin

Client is unable to access the holiday menu on RCS catering software for online ordering. Meredith set it to 2016 to update.

Katie D.

Katie D. Job Checkin

The client is asking why can't first time customers place an order online for RCS catering software . Meredith sent a video to check if he is on the same page. The client updated it is resolved.

Meredith D.

Meredith D. Job Checkin

Was just able to activate a RCS Catering Software clients holiday menu. This client only wants their holiday menu activated from October till the end of December.

Meredith D.

Meredith D. Job Checkin

Was just able to help a RCS catering software client fix the quote cover page that they created to automatically be emailed to a client when creating a quote at their website.

Jillian D.

Jillian D. Job Checkin

Just finished up working on an RCS catering client's new Picnic Menu. He can now use this menu to better promote this aspect of his catering business and look more professional in front of potential clients.

Michael A.

Michael A. Job Checkin

Just helped an RCS catering software client with engineering and designing his catering menu.