125 Roesler Rd
Glen Burnie, MD 21060

Local Reviews
for parkville, md

Job Locations
for parkville, md

jonathan s.

jonathan s. Job Checkin

Installed new keyless light fixture in Parkeville, MD.

Installed new keyless light fixture in Parkeville, MD.

Wilmer  S.

Wilmer S. Job Checkin

Installed ceiling fans from scratch in Parkville, MD

Installed ceiling fans from scratch in Parkville,  MD

Wilmer  S.

Wilmer S. Job Checkin

Relocated exposed fridge outlet and installed a GFCI outlet in Parkville, MD

Relocated exposed fridge outlet and installed a GFCI outlet in Parkville, MD

Wilmer  S.

Wilmer S. Job Checkin

Installed GFCI outlet and added duplex receptacle in Parkville, MD

Installed GFCI outlet and added duplex receptacle in Parkville, MD

Wilmer  S.

Wilmer S. Job Checkin

Performed troubleshooting and replaced duplex receptacle in Parkville,MD

Performed troubleshooting and replaced duplex receptacle in Parkville,MD

Isaac T.

Isaac T. Job Checkin

Performed troubleshoot on basement lights and receptacles without power. Found fish tank power strip filled with water tripping GFCI receptacle controlling circuit. Parkville, Baltimore

Performed troubleshoot on basement lights and receptacles without power. Found fish tank power strip filled with water tripping GFCI receptacle controlling circuit.
Parkville, Baltimore

Wilmer  S.

Wilmer S. Job Checkin

Installed chandelier in Parkville,MD

Installed chandelier in Parkville,MD

Isaac T.

Isaac T. Job Checkin

New AFCI/GFCI protected circuit installed for outdoor receptacles. Parkville, MD

New AFCI/GFCI protected circuit installed for outdoor receptacles.
Parkville, MD

Isaac T.

Isaac T. Job Checkin

New outdoor GFCI outlet installed with weatherproof box and in-use cover. Parkville, MD

New outdoor GFCI outlet installed with weatherproof box and in-use cover.
Parkville, MD