He saw two birds stuck inside my front door light. He offered to remove them. Two little birds are now freely fuming and singing praises to the Creator!! Very nice of him.
Everyone who has been here has been professional and thorough in attacking the job at hand. Today's visit was to work on our Carpenter Bee Problem and some wasps. Those bees LOVE our Faux Log Cabin with it's nice log siding. Last year was our 1rst here and getting to see this kind of bee. They are making swiss cheese of places it uses on our home! I have been researching them for a year now. While coming out and disting holes helps it is not the whole solution. We are at WAR with these BEES! It's my hope that between us we can up the ante this year to help eradicate them. I will be somehow making or getting Bee Boxes to set up next. Your Team of Pest Control people seem knowledgeable and are great to work with.