224 E. Foothill Blvd
Monrovia, CA 91016

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for rosemead, ca

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 customer reviews

Map of Rosemead CA

Professional service

Phoned the provider and was able to schedule an appointment for the same day, which was great. Senior Technician, Jeff Probst arrived in the early portion of the 4 hour window scheduled for the appointment. He was very professional, friendly, and answered all questions I had regarding the plumbing problem. Despite having some technical difficulties with the electric snake, he completed the work and unclogged the drain. He did this without getting any water on the floor or cabinet below the sink which was pretty impressive and left everything as clean as before he arrived. He also wore shoe covers to protect my floors, which I had never had any type of technician do before. I will use this company's services again and would recommend them to anyone else with plumbing problems.