3420 Catlett Rd
Catlett , VA 20119
703 331-5655

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Local Reviews
for purcellville, va

Rated 2.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 customer reviews

Map of Purcellville VA

Not so happy

After spending nearly $300 to rebuild our humidifier last spring we were told today that it needs to be replaced for nearly $1000. If it was so bad after the last heating season why was it rebuilt? It had zero use since the rebuild and now it needs replacing? Not happy, to say the least. IF replaced, provide me the make and model number for the replacement unit.

Response from Arctic Sun Heating & Air Conditioning Inc:

IWe have taken a look at the history on this & will give you a call. I do see what you're speaking about & can work with you to resolve this issue. Our office will be giving you a call shortly. Thank you for the feedback & bringing this to our attention.