3420 Catlett Rd
Catlett , VA 20119
703 331-5655

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Local Reviews
for warrenton, va

Rated 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 88 customer reviews

Map of Warrenton VA

Great Service appt.

Tim was my technician and he spent over an hour at the house going over my two systems. He is cleaned and waxed my two AC units (this had never been done before). No upselling just a recommendation on something I may need to do in the future (but the price given to me for what actually needed to be done was kind of ridiculous). This comment has nothing to so with my service appointment but with most area Heating/AC Services. No a fan of this "pricing menu" where a service will cost you $200 plus dollars when the part sells for $15 and the fix takes about 20 minutes. This is why people resort to watching a You Tube video and doing it themselves. I'm sure the company is still making money on the service even if they cut the cost by 25-30%.

Response from Arctic Sun Heating & Air Conditioning Inc:

We are so pleased you were happy with Tim's service and appreciate your time for sending in a review!