Performed preventative maintenance on a Coleman AC system. Model number: TC4B24. Serial number: W1M73666666. Upon arrival the unit was off. Turned the system on at the thermostat. Went to the unit and watched it run. Removed the panel to the evaporator coil. Inspected the coils for any dust build up. Poured water into the condensate trap and watched it drain properly. Poured water into the condensate pump and watched it pump out properly. Removed the panels to the the furnace. Checked the electrical connections to make sure they were properly secure. Checked the blower motor and fan for any dust build up. Changed the 16x25x5 filter supplied by the homeowner. Took an amp draw for the motor. Running within the manufacture’s specs. Placed the panels back on the unit and watched it run. Went outside to the condenser and watched it run. Checked the coils for any dirt build up. Removed the panel and brushed out any spiderwebs. Checked the contactor and capacitor. Both are running within the