Even though the technician was courteous something did not feel right. The technician did not do a full inspection of the unit to pinpoint what was really happening with my almost brand new house and AC unit (3.5yrs. old). I was not present at the time of the inspection, but just a few minutes after inspecting the outside unit the technician told me my evaporator coil was beyond repair. The diagnostic was that I needed to have a new evaporator coil installed for a total cost of over $1,900.00 but, a better option would be to replace both units for a total cost of over $3,600.00. After the diagnostic I washed several videos online to learn about the primary reasons why evaporator coils started freezing up. The number 1 reason was dirty coils, dirty air filters or blocked vents. I checked all my vents and they were all open, My filter was brand new and I had these replaced regularly. The last place to check was to look at the evaporator itself to see if there was a secondary filter or if the evaporator was dirty. To my surprise when I inspected the evaporator area it was completely sealed. There was no indication the screws were ever removed and all the tapes sealing the unit when it was first installed were intact. This proved no inspection had been done to the inside of the unit. I called another AC company which found right away what this technician would have found if the door for the evaporator had been opened. The coil was completely clean, but a piece of moisture insulation inside of the duct pipe had become loose and was blocking one side of the evaporator. It was an easy fix and nowhere near the $1900.00 -$3600.00 range. I hope this is an isolated incident driven by the technician and not by the Company. Needless to say this is a very dishonest way of doing business how someone can try to take advantage of someone in need. There might be many customers including elderly and handicapped people who might not second guess what the technician so securely is presenting as the reason for the faulty unit.