9320 S. Pole Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73160
(405) 794-8900

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Joseph K.

Joseph K.

Job Checkin

I arrived for a previous customer no cool/frozen unit call. I spoke with the homeowner and found that the system starts to freeze up shortly after the system starts running. I reinspected the indoor system and found the blower motor to still be dirty and the evaporator coil to have some debris on the coil and could use a cleaning. I then inspected the outdoor system and found the system to come on and run but the system is running low on refrigerant. I tried to explain that the dirty indoor coil can hurt the system and cause it to freeze up and I recommended to clean the system January 28th 2023 when I was here last. This still need to be done. I also explained the cost on the refrigerant due to the system using R22 and the cost of all three leak searches. I gave the homeowner the worst case cost on refilling the system because it is unclear on how much refrigerant is still in the system. I tried to explain that depending on what part is leaking will depend on what the cost is to fix o