Sam J - arrived to do summer service on to dual fuel split systems, both Carriers. Greeted the customer and he showed me around the house into each piece of equipment. As we spoke, he mentioned that the downstairs condensing unit makes a loud noise during the defrost mode. Customer has washable filter, so I began pulling in cleaning filters while testing the thermostat operation. Pulled the disconnects to condensing units, then clean the coils and recorded microfarad values of capacitors in both systems. Downstairs unit has a start capacitor that is also within range. Powered up each system and recorded compressor and fan motor amperage during start up and regular operation. Attached gauges and temperature probe to calculate superheat and sub cooling. Both systems charged properly ambient conditions have my superheat and sub cooling values a little bit off. Move to the indoor systems and check the evaporator coils, which were clean then recorded blower motor amperage. Mov