Sam J - arrived to Blue club member for fall tune up on horizontal furnace in attic. Spoke with customer and he explained that the system has been operating properly with no issues of cold spots in the home. He has recently become owner of the property due to a passing in the family and this was our first interaction together. Replaced filter media 20X30X1 and then began servicing equipment. Cycled thermostat off and began servicing system. Removed coil cover to inspect heat exchanger and coil. Coil is clean but does show signs of rust, only on end plates, tubing and coil still free of rust. Heat exchanger is free of any cracks or rust. Checked capacitor on inducer motor and it’s within mfd range. Cycled system on from thermostat and watched for proper ignition. Then I checked amperage of inducer motor, then blower motor as system went through its sequence of operation. Ducts connected and insulated well, return clean of any trash or debris. Attic insulation is good for the