9320 S. Pole Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73160
(405) 794-8900

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Joseph K.

Joseph K.

Job Checkin

Johnstone saved under Jason Jake Kring. 11-26-24. I arrived to install an outdoor heatpump thermostat. I first inspected the wiring in the thermostat and the air handler to confirm my wiring at the heat pump. I checked the existing outdoor thermostat and found 24V power to be supplied to the stat but the digital screen was not illuminated. I removed the old stat and installed the new outdoor heatpump stat. The homeowner and I discussed what the stat did and how we can select the temperature to cycle off the heat pump and have it turn on the indoor emergency heat at 32-34 deg. The homeowner wanted the heat pump to turn off at 37 deg and turn on the emergency heat. I wired the system and set the temperature at 37 deg. Once the system was assembled we tested the system in heat pump on this 52 deg day. The heat pump came on and I cycled the stat above 52 deg and found the heat pump to cycle off and run the emergency heat indoors. I the. Set the stat back to 37 deg and follow the indoor he