Jake K. 03-26-24. I arrived to inspect a system for replacement on a rental property. I first spoke with the tenant and he let me gain access to the system in the attic and the outdoor condenser. I documented the side and what the system had as far as duct work. I found the system to be undersized with the existing duct work and I strongly recommend to replace the system and increase the return and supply side duct work. I bid three options from an evaporator and condenser only and a complete system with discounts and/or a free evaporator coil. I also bid to increase the return side duct work by cutting in one additional return duct to allow the system to intake more return air and one additional supply duct/dump to let out the proper amount of airflow for this 3.5 ton system. If the duct work is not adequate for the new system you can have issues with the new system regardless of brand, size or quality of installation. The system is designed to temper air that it brings in and pushes