9320 S. Pole Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73160
(405) 794-8900

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Job Checkin

Came out to call to perform preventative maintenance on AC system. Discussed with customer about maintenance being provided, if the filter needs changing and if they have any problems. Customer stated that the filter probably needs to be changed, but that he could take care of it, but I offered to change it for him if it needs it. Customer stated that the system is working well so far since it’s been installed. I inspected the ductwork, filter, blower assembly, motor, other electrical components, evaporator coil, drain and overall condition of equipment. Changed customer supplied 4” filter in attic. Re-discussed return increases with customer that I had addressed when we discussed system replacement. Customer is interested in having it taken care of and will call the office when ready to move forward. Washed condenser coil out thoroughly. Inspected the condenser coil, compressor, fan motor, contactor, capacitor and electrical wiring. Checked system operation, amps, temperatures and pre