9320 S. Pole Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73160
(405) 794-8900

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Jason B.

Jason B.

Job Checkin

07AUG2024 Jason Brown Arrived for new customer estimate. Spoke with Scott about his existing equipment. He explained that before it was leaking it kept up fine, with even temperatures through the home. We inspected the indoor and outdoor equipment. We found that his return ductwork comes out to ~1200 CFM with a little more on the supply. The equipment is already hanging in a basket that will only need to be leveled out with the new equipment. The air handler is a 2.5 ton with backup heat strips. We found the return plenum pulling apart and in need of replacement. The breaker panel has 2 60a 2 pole breakers for the air handler. Lineset is 1” and runs about 60-70 feet with plenty of space between the roofline. After discussing options we decided to add a $2500 rider along with the equipment incase the leak is in the lineset. Attached are discussed estimates. Thanks Scott it was good meeting you! Replace plenum 4’ Replace supply plenum or patch