9320 S. Pole Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73160
(405) 794-8900

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Jason B.

Jason B.

Job Checkin

11JUN2024 Jason Brown Arrived for gold club no cool. Spoke with Raymond about the systems performance. The Ac is intermittently cutting out. Your guys have always recommended that I call when it’s actually broken so here we are. I haven’t done anything to reset breakers. It’s currently off. Cycled cooling equipment comes on. Inspected AC, compressor, fan motor, pressures, drains, and disconnect. Found everything working normally. Washed condenser coils and checked temperature delta while waiting to see if the AC would fail again. It never did. This could be the condenser fan overheating or a breaker issue. Jake was out and lost 240v for 3 minutes, however it came back on before he could inspect anything. Other than the loss of power. Homeowner mentioned that they noticed a grinding noise one time when it stopped as well. Changed filter while I was out.