9320 S. Pole Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73160
(405) 794-8900

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Job Checkin

Isaac J. 7-30-24 Came out to call for a system not cooling properly, customer stated that the system had stopped working and the temperature was rising in the home. I checked the system over and found the filters dirty, evaporator coil dirty, float switch tripped and the outside unit not functioning properly due to a bad defrost control board. Discussed with customer about all problems that I have found on the system customer approved cleaning the evaporator coil, changing the filters and getting the part needed for the AC. I cleaned the evaporator coil of all the dust on it, and used coil cleaning spray to get the residual dust out. Changed the filters for customer. I was able to by pass the defrost controls to get a call for cooling to the contactor and wired the fan to contactor as well. AC is functional for the time being to get the customer some cooling. I will order the defrost board and come back out to replace it. Isaac J. 7-31-24 Came back out to install defrost control, wash