I arrived for a new customer no cool call. I spoke with the homeowner and found that the system is not cooling as it should. We discussed what the previous company may have done to the system and what they think the system needs. I inspected the indoor and outdoor system and found the evaporator coil to be dirty along with the blower wheel. I then inspected the outdoor system and found the system to be holding some pressure in the system but the disconnect only has 112 volt on one leg. I informed the homeowner that the system can’t run for me to properly check the systems electrical components and the refrigerant charge at this time. I recommended to have a electrician out to inspect the system and see what it will take to get proper power out to the condenser. The diagnostic fee is good for 30 days and there will not be a additional diagnostic fee if we need to come back within that same 30 days to finish the diagnostics on the system.