2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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Matthew L.

Matthew L.

Job Checkin

Customer reported system freezing up and also outdoor unit not running sometimes. Tech found indoor coil clogged with lint and dirt and distributors coming off of indoor coil header slick and oily. At outdoor unit, tech found suction pressure very low and superheat very high. Tech estimates system is 2-4 lbs low on R410a. Tech also saw thermostat wire is falling apart due to UV sunlight damage and 45/5 dual run capacitor is reading weak at 37uf on HERM side. All the insulation under house is fallen and bellyband is missing. Ductwork is mobile home sheet aluminum duct and is unsealed and uninsulated due to missing/torn bellyband. There is a cat in crawlspace moving around. To repair existing system, mobile home contractor should replace bellyband and floor insulation. On split system, we would need to braze leak spot, recharge with 5 lbs of R410a, replace 45/5uf capacitor, replace 2 feet of thermostat wire at outdoor unit, and do full tune up to clean coils, blower, and drain. Due t