Tech preformed CMA INSPECTION on 11 Split Systems, 2 Exhaust Fans, and 1 Air Makeup Unit. Tech found that Systems #1 thru #6 and System #8 had the blower motors wired for continuous operation. Tech recommends correctly wiring up thermostats and Air handlers so blower motors will operate with thermostat controls. Split System #2 is down due previous diagnosis of failed blower motor and leaking evaporator coil found in October of 2023. Tech recommends replacing system. Split System #5 is down due to mechanically failed compressor and fan motor. Tech left disconnect powered off. Leaking evaporator coil was also found during first CMA Visit. Tech recommends replacing system. Split System #4 was found with frozen evaporator coil and line set. Tech thawed coil and verified leak in coil electronically and with refrigerant pressures. Split System #6 is operating at this time but evaporator coil and compressor are in poor condition. Also Heat Strip contactor show signs of electrical failure. Te