2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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Romario  T.

Romario T.

Job Checkin

Tech tested the system in heat and system operated without challenges. Tech found a rusted indoor TXV and compressor reading bad on the megohmmeter 2010 system. Duct work is R4.2 but not collapsed. 12 supply vents and 2 returns. Costumer is concerned about his master bedroom being to hot or to cool. Thermostat is in the living room with big glass windows. Insulation in the crawlspace is down in a lot of places. Ducts have dampers. Costumer requested a field supervisor to go with a repair (Airflow balance) vs replace. Contact the costumer on the 18/19 of this month to schedule a field supervisor visit. Not interested in ESA due to high expenses coming up. Filters need replacement Jhubbard2@ec.r.com