2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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Joshua C.

Joshua C.

Job Checkin

Performed CMA inspection on 3 Gas Package Units (coils washed on kitchen unit), 2 make up air systems, and 4 exhaust fans. Gas Pack (Kitchen) - technician found the system to be operating within spec at today’s visit. All electrical tested good. Delta t observed was 18 degrees. Filters changed. Gas Pack (Dining - 866D) technician did not find any major challenges while servicing equipment today. The system is cooling properly, delta t observed was 20 degrees. Blower belt tightened - upon arrival the blower was making a loud squeaking noise. Upon inspection, tech found the belt to be loose. Once tightened, the noise subsided, system working correctly. Filters changed Gas Pack (Dining - 907D) upon arriving to the system the tech did not initially find any challenges. System was cooling good. Upon further inspection technician found Y2 thermostat wire disconnected. This is likely due to previous service. Notes from 4/6/23 state, circuit 2 to be an estimate 13 pounds low on refrigerant