2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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Joshua C.

Joshua C.

Job Checkin

Tech returned to investigate all 3 systems not working Kitchen - tech found the system to be operational. Upon arrival the thermostat was satisfied, tech bumped set temperature down and system began cooling properly. Dining room 866D - tech found this system to be operating as well. Tech bumped set temp down and found the system to be cooling, supply temperature was 59 degrees. This one is having to work and keep up for the other dining room system. Dining Room 907D - upon arriving, technician did not find the system operational. Power was turned off and then restored. Blower came on as normal, and then compressor and outdoor fan. System ran for a few minutes and then cut off. This system has a history of refrigerant related challenges, and this appears to be a continuation of this. Prior to leaving tech confirmed all thermostats satisfied at set point.