2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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David  S.

David S.

Job Checkin

-Performed CMA Full Service on 8 Split System Heat Pumps. -System 1: No wire for overflow switch on EZ Trap as previously reported. Secondary drain line has float switch. -System 2: No wire for overflow switch on EZ Trap as previously reported. Auxiliary pan has float switch. -System 3: Overflow switch on primary drain line not wired, as previously reported. Wire near unit unused. Recommend minor wiring repair to correct. Air flow restrictions due to return location have been noted prior. -System 4: No wire for overflow switch on EZ Trap as previously reported. Secondary drain line has float switch. Condensate pump not running when full. Cleared drain line with compressed nitrogen. Drained collection pan and added water back. Pump still not running and alarm light shows. Recommend replacing pump or running drain line to nearby floor drain. Unplugged pump due to excessive heat on pump motor. Air handler will drain onto floor to floor drain for time being.