2308 Indian Springs Rd
Dudley, NC 28333
(919) 734-9611

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Aidan T.

Aidan T.

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Tech was informed upon arrival that three systems needed diagnosing. Tech diagnosed and performed repairs as authorized by management, case by case. {Break Room Split System - 2017 - Mandatory} 1. Found leaking evaporator coil at U-joint after de-icing with heat gun. 2. Removed water from drain pan caused by frozen evaporator coil. 3. Charged with 9lbs R410A to proper operating pressures/temperatures. 4. Provided estimate to replace coil; customer requested an estimate for system replacement in lieu of cost to repair. {Management Office Split System- 2010} 1. Found duct work damaged by rodents, exposing membrane, some places just exposed insulation. 2. Changed air filter. 3. Found suspected leak with small amount of oil residue on suction line, but no reaction from bubbles or detector. 4. System maintaining 67f. {Weighing Station Split System - 2007 - Mandatory} 1. Changed Air filter. 2. Relocated desk that was obstructing return grate upstairs. 3. Cleaned condenser coils. 4. Re