446 Windsor Park Dr
Dayton, OH 45459

Job Locations
for germantown, oh

Map of Germantown OH
Michael A.

Michael A.

Job Checkin

Technician, Mike, showed up to a clogged kitchen sink drain line holding water in both bays. Upon investigation tech was shown the basement by the homeowner. The kitchen line comes down into a partial crawl space area in the basement. The drain line is made of copper in the partial crawl space, then 90s downward by the entry of the crawl space and goes under the slab of the basement. The main drain stack is half way across the basement. The tech used the Spartan 100 machine through an accessible clean out under the kitchen sink. The cable was ran a distance of 75 feet. The obstruction was between 55 and 65 feet. Once the obstruction was clear the technician ran water for the duration of the cabling, about 10 mins straight, with no back up. Tech then did two dump test to verify the line was open. The p trap assembly on the right side of the kitchen sink has a small leak and some tape on it. Options were given to fix that as well. The homeowner said he will take care of it himself. The k